Thursday, January 26, 2012

ITS A............

We found out that we are going to be expecting a baby BOY! We are SO excited!! The ultrasound was the best thing ever i got a little emotional seeing our little man on the screen for the first time, he was kicking away and was as healthy as ever! He must take after his dad because he gave us a little gymnast show long enough to get all of the measurements and than rolled over on his side facing his back towards us when he had had enough just like his dad does to me ha stinker! We knew all along that we were going to have a little boy but the family was still hoping for a girl since we only have one and the rest are boys but like we all say, this family just doesn't know how to make girls! But that's okay my sister Genessa is just 5 days apart from me and is also having a boy so we know they are going to be best friends! I have been feeling him move a lot more now and nick has been feeling him too, you can tell he is so excited and loves him so much already, he is going to be the best Dad! I can't believe I'm already 21 weeks, its crazy how fast time is flying by and that in a few months he will be here! He must of had a growth spurt because in the last week my belly finally decided to show itself! I'm trying to wear my jeans as long as i can but i think the time is coming for me to put them away and put on the pregnancy jeans fully equipped with a PANEL... Aghh i might be living in leggings and sweats for the rest of my pregnancy!
Here is our little guy's profile...

Definately a BOY!

21 Weeks-