Thursday, May 17, 2012

37 Weeks

I cant believe we have 3 more weeks until we get to meet our little man! So far everything is looking good im just starting to get really uncomfortable and sleeping at night is near impossible when you have to get up every couple hours to pee and then your husband sounds like a freight train! I seriously need to invest in some ear plugs cuz that man can snore, i sometimes wonder if he is going to stop breathing so i have to give him a good nudge and most the time he just mumbles and rolls over ha anyways we have been pretty busy lately but we are hoping to get the little mans dresser all painted this week so i can get his clothes washed and put away, i am crossing my fingers he comes at least a week early but my mom keeps telling me that the chances of me going early are like zero.. i told her she better give me a good foot zone then cuz this baby IS coming early but we will see!

Clearly i have been horrible at taking pictures, why it took me 9 weeks to take an updated picture i have no idea... Oops.

         36 Weeks                                                            27 Weeks

Friday, March 23, 2012

29 Weeks!

We went to our 3D/4D Ultrasound today and we were able to see our little guy it was awesome! He was a little stubborn at first and wanted to cover his face with his arm but we were able to get a couple of really good pictures before he crossed both of his arms and completely covered his face!

He is so stinkin cute, this is only 2 out of the 15 pictures we got but these were by far the best!In some of the pics you can tell he has some chubby cheeks! Still no name yet but hopefully these will help us decide! I cant believe we get to meet him in about 10 weeks we are so excited!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

26 Week update

So far everything is going great, i had my glucose test and everything looked really good which was a relief, also we get to have our 4D ultrasound at our next appointment which is March 23rd i will be 29 weeks so we should be able to see this cute little man pretty good! He has been kicking like crazy and I'm definitely not complaining, it was a little weird at first because it almost felt like i had some sort of alien living in my belly but I've really enjoyed being able to feel him and know that he is still doing good, Nick loves feeling him kick he is constantly asking me "is the baby moving??" i can tell that he is so excited to meet this little guy! I cant believe how fast time is flying by, i have not bought one thing for this baby besides diapers and some clothes and im realizing i should probably start getting things ready! No names yet for this baby, so far me and nick just call him little boog because we can't think of a name that we both like so hopefully he will have one by the time we go to the hospital!
--27 Weeks--

Thursday, January 26, 2012

ITS A............

We found out that we are going to be expecting a baby BOY! We are SO excited!! The ultrasound was the best thing ever i got a little emotional seeing our little man on the screen for the first time, he was kicking away and was as healthy as ever! He must take after his dad because he gave us a little gymnast show long enough to get all of the measurements and than rolled over on his side facing his back towards us when he had had enough just like his dad does to me ha stinker! We knew all along that we were going to have a little boy but the family was still hoping for a girl since we only have one and the rest are boys but like we all say, this family just doesn't know how to make girls! But that's okay my sister Genessa is just 5 days apart from me and is also having a boy so we know they are going to be best friends! I have been feeling him move a lot more now and nick has been feeling him too, you can tell he is so excited and loves him so much already, he is going to be the best Dad! I can't believe I'm already 21 weeks, its crazy how fast time is flying by and that in a few months he will be here! He must of had a growth spurt because in the last week my belly finally decided to show itself! I'm trying to wear my jeans as long as i can but i think the time is coming for me to put them away and put on the pregnancy jeans fully equipped with a PANEL... Aghh i might be living in leggings and sweats for the rest of my pregnancy!
Here is our little guy's profile...

Definately a BOY!

21 Weeks-

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Fix it man!

I'll apologize now this is kind of a long post.. but i want to remember it.

When we got married my parents gave us their old front load washer since they were planning on buying a new one and nicks grandparents had the same set and gave us their washer and dryer also since my parents dryer wasn't electric and theirs was, we held onto the washer incase we ever needed it for parts. Anyways, my parents washer was working great until about a month ago me and nick were doing laundry and couldnt figure out what was wrong with our washer.. the water would run and than it would just shut off so we pushed start again and left it and didnt think anything of it. We were watching a movie when i heard water rushing out of the washer and onto the floor..let me add that we live on the upper floor of our apartment so the first thing that goes through my head is that we were going to flood the people below us, Nick was handing me all the towels we had and it still wasnt soaking up all the water, so we threw all of our laundry on top of it to soak up as much as we could... the washer door was still shut but it was not locked which was the reason for the water coming out in the first place, it had built up so much pressure because the water never turned off, so i went and grabbed the biggest pan we had and tried to slowly empty out the water until it was gone. We had laundry spread all over the apartment and we rang water out of our clothes all night it was a mess! We thought we were going to have to buy a new washer but Nick decided to take a look at it and got on google to search for similar stories and he found out it was the pressure switch.. I literally married a fix it man we were able to get the part from the other washer we had and fix it i was so happy we didnt have to buy a new one... I'm crossing my fingers it holds on for a couple more years!

On his phone googling the problem

Its Fixed!! Google is always the answer ha!

12 Weeks-

16 Weeks-


Okay so since i pretty much suck at this blogging thing i have a lot to catch up on.... me and nick have just been enjoying the married life and keeping busy with work, but one announcement i haven't made to the Internet world yet is......

Yes the answer to your question is that is a baby, we were pretty shocked at first but we are really excited and cant wait to meet the little boog! We found out a little before Halloween so i wore this shirt when we told the family! They were just as shocked as us because we always said we weren't having kids for 5 or more years, but turns out the boog had a different plan for us and we are looking forward to meeting him/her, my due date is June 8, 2012 so we get to find out what we are having the end of January. Nick tells me all the time that he knows its a boy and i think he's right i keep having weird dreams about having a boy and catch myself calling the babe a he, we will be excited either way!

It took me 4 pregnancy tests to really believe that there was a little bean growing inside me. And about two weeks later i got hit with morning sickness and that made it even more real. I wasn't able to keep anything down, and nothing sounded good. I'm 15 weeks and so far the morning sickness hasn't really faded.. I'll think I'm finally over it and than i lose my dinner, so I'm crossing my fingers that i will catch a break soon. I cant complain though my poor sister Candace was hooked to IVs during most of her pregnancy so I'm thankful i haven't had to go through that!

Me and Nick Carving Pumpkins


Nick decided to carve the little green guy from the movie Monsters Inc.

Little Boogs, Mine, and Nicks

Monday, September 12, 2011

West Yellowstone 9/2/2011

A couple weeks ago me and nick went up to Island Park with my Brother and his wife we stayed at Nicks grandpas cabin on Friday and than woke up Saturday and went to West Yellowstone.
Nick had this drink on the way up and it was probably the sickest drink i have ever had.. it was like carbonated water YUCK!
Shane, Mckenzie and their little boy Creed
Creed was eating his ice cream and than posing for the camera with a big grin saying "Cheeeeese" He is so cute!

Me and Kinz
Nick decided to just pull me in for a kiss out of no where i love when he does that :)